written and illustrated by Alexandra Day
ages: preschool-age 6
"Business sitters" Frank the elephant and his friend Ernest the bear are hired by Mrs. Miller to run her diner while she is away. The two friends want to do their very best, so they learn diner speak, the language used by diner servers and short order cooks. The two friends give it their all as they whip up amazing diner delicacies.
Best known for her Good dog, Carl books, Alexandra Day creates charming characters with beautiful illustrations. I am always a fan of diner books (see the Two Eggs Please post) and was tickled by this book's clever illustrations and admirable use of diner speak. My kids and I had a great time trying out the diner dictionary that covers the front and back inside cover of the book. Just thinking about it makes me hungry for an eve with a lid and some moo juice (that's apple pie and a glass of milk).