Friday, July 31, 2009

Beck and the Great Berry Battle

Beck and the Great Berry Battle
By Laura Driscoll
Illus. Judith Holmes Clarke & Disney storybook artists

Ages-7 to 10 years old

This series is for the children who love Disney and fairies. Disney has produced a movie about Tinker Bell and her friends and has written books to keep the fairy world alive. The books don’t follow the movie, but introduce readers to more fairies that live in Never Land.

Beck is fairy in Never Land. She is the best animal-talent fairy. Every fairy has a special talent that helps keep balance in the forest. Beck is able to communicate with animals. The hummingbirds and the chipmunks start a Berry war which escalates when other animals join sides. Can Beck get the bottom of the misunderstanding and convince the animals to stop fighting?

It is another decent, very strong moralistic story in the series. It shows how easily fights can start and stupidity of wars and the reasons for them. It demonstrates that people can decide to cooperate rather than fight, and things are much better that way. I was introduced to this series by my 8 year old niece. It is very popular with the 3rd and 4th grade girls. This series can help reluctant readers make the difficult transition from picture books to chapter books.
If you are interested in learning more about these books, of course, Disney has a website-

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