Tuesday, August 18, 2009

School is Starting!

Great questions to ask your child’s teacher!

What program are you using to help teach reading?
Often districts and school mandate certain programs, but good teacher realize supplementing the instruction is important. Every program is going to be lacking something and is not perfect. A good reading program needs to include phonics, word study, comprehension, fluency, and writing.

How are you incorporating writing in your classroom?
Studies are showing that students are writing less and less in the classrooms. Younger grades need to be writing as well. A child doesn’t have to have perfect grammar, spelling, or format; Students need to be communicating even if it means through pictures.

What is the curriculum for the ____ grade?
It doesn’t hurt to know what students are studying in the different disciplines (language arts, math, social studies, and science). There are many ways to reinforce subjects in the home by having discussions and finding out more what your child is learning. Take it to the next level of your child wanting to learn more. Feed them!

What are your classroom manners (procedures, rules, expectations)?
I prefer to call them manners because it focuses on students learning the appropriate manners needed for classrooms and schools. Each teacher has different pet peeves that drive them crazy.

This doesn’t include the basic questions such as: How is the discipline handled in your room? How can I reach you (email, phone) or how are you communicating with parents? What are your rewards? What behaviors are not acceptable in the classroom? What supplies do you need? How much homework do you give? When is it assignments due? Etc….

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