Monday, May 4, 2009

Do you have a hat?

By Eileen Spinelli
Illustrated by Geraldo Valerio
Ages-4 to 8

This book takes a relatable idea of everyone wearing a hat and mixes it with historical figures and their hats. There are snow hats, beach hats, cowboy hats, and rain hats. The historical characters in his book who are wearing hats are Abraham Lincoln, Nat Love (first African-American Cowboy), Amelia Earhart, Johnny Appleseed, etc… Each historical figure had a unique hat. It doesn’t matter what hat you are wearing, but that you are unique. The illustrations used bold colors to give a realistic view, but the characters are real, but still different enough children can relate.

This book was chosen because my father has a authentic hat collection and his birthday is tomorrow. Happy Birthday DAD!

1 comment:

Rich said...

I already love this book!!! As you know, I'm a fairly avid novelty hat collector too... :)