Monday, May 18, 2009

The Fairy Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm Series #1)

The Fairy Tale Detectives (The Sisters Grimm Series #1)
written by Michael Buckley and illustrated by Peter Ferguson
ages 8-adult

Sabrina and Daphne Grimm are left confused and alone after their parents mysteriously disappear. The girls are sent to live with their Granny Relda in Ferryport landing after a series of disastrous foster homes. Sabrina and Daphne soon discover that they are the descendants of the famous storytelling icons, the Brothers Grimm. Their Granny tells them that the book of fairy tales is not an act of storytelling, but actual case studies created by the their ancestors regarding Everafters (as the characters in fairy tales prefer to be called). Sabrina thinks that her Granny is more than a little odd and doesn't believe that the characters or events in the fairy tales were ever real. But as Sabrina and her sister meet a host of fairy tale characters from Prince Charming to the Big Bad Wolf, and her Granny is captured by a giant, she begins to change her mind. Sabrina and Daphne try out their fairy tale detective heritage as they try to save Granny and discover the Everafter behind the crime.

In the first novel of the Sisters Grimm series, Michael Buckley puts a spin on the fractured fairytale. Creative and engaging, this novel is just the beginning of an amazing 7 part series involving two plucky and heroic sisters. This novel is compelling as it is mixed with suspense, mystery, and humor. Lovers of fantasy will enjoy this book although it seems to appeal to a variety of readers. I have thoroughly enjoyed them and am not (generally) a reader of fantasy. I would also hesitate to recommend this novel to anyone whose child falls into the younger end of the 8+ spectrum-the novel does have some characters with scare potential. This book comes with a warning: once you start reading, you won't be able to stop!


Rich said...

I love this series!!! They are really great character building books, and it is just really fun reading about the sisters as they run into fairy tale characters going about with a semi-normal life.

Alanna said...

My students love this series. I started reading it as a read aloud and they begged me to read book 2 and 3 as well. We have run out of time to read the rest but at least they have some ideas of what to read this summer! :)